Keyless Entry System Benefits
Most people if you asked them to describe a lock would say something like this, “ a lock is a device that is built into a door and you put a key into it and turn the key to unlock the door”. That person would certainly not be wrong. But that’s also a person that probably does not have any keyless entry locks. Keyless entry systems are now becoming almost as popular as keyed locks for home, businesses, and on cars. The reason for that is because of all the benefits that keyless entry devices have to offer.
Here are some of the main benefits you get from having keyless entry locks installed at your home, business or on your vehicle:
- Convenience
The number one reason that people like keyless entry locks is because of the convenience that they offer. When you go to unlock a door there is no more fumbling through pockets or purses to find your keys and then open the door. They work by simply pressing in the ride code or by swiping a magnetic activation device through them or near them. There is absolutely no easier way to get in a door than with those that have keyless entry locks installed on them.
- They Help Avoid Lockouts
Picture this scenario if you will. It’s late at night and you just finished an extremely long working day. You can’t wait to get home have a beer and relax. The problem is when you get to your car you notice the keys are the locked vehicle sitting on the seat. No matter how tired you are you will not be going anywhere anytime soon. If you had keyless vehicle door locks you would be on your way home.
So keyless door locks help people avoid the common lockout situations that come with keyed locks. The only way that someone will get locked out with a keyless lock is if the lock is malfunctioning or they lose their magnetic lock activating key or card.
- They can be easily reprogramed
Most keyless entry devices can be easily reprogrammed with new combinations or their key cards can be changed too. Lock reprogramming is done for several reasons. The main one is for security purposes. Lock professionals always recommend that any homeowner, car owner or business owner that has keyless locks periodically change the activation codes on them. This will help keep lock security at a high level. This is especially important for businesses to do when a key employee who had access to a keyless lock code leaves the company.